Our Expertise

Our expertise is organized in 5 departments and teams working together closely to connect people, nature, water, places and flows for a more intelligent physical and digital environment.

Pioneering in Urbanism for People

We believe that people’s health and happiness are deeply connected with the places they live in.

That is why Citilinks works for the happiness of the current and future generations all around the world, always with a cultural and place-sensitive approach.
Beyond planning and design, urbanism is increasingly made of a collaborative approach between various backgrounds, disciplines and solutions, from the strategic to the technical level.
We continuously work on the integration of the many dimensions of our urban, rural and natural environments, experiencing complex and new realities in the physical and the digital space, in a mission to restore the link between the human being and water, trees, climate, energy.

Every project is an opportunity to improve the metabolism of a place. We assimilate the traditional approaches, from sanitation to transport, smart cities, energy and urban economy, and we integrate them into innovative and integrated solutions for healthier places and communities.

Urban Mobility and Transport

We are committed to create the right mobility for the right people, with a contextual approach of accessibility and connectivity.

Working and living in European, Asian and African urban environments since a decade, we have witnessed the intensification and diversification of transport and mobility in our cities. The importance of awareness on walkability and the emergence of the sharing and autonomous mobility are about to challenge the traditional division between motorized and non-motorized transport.
Meanwhile, cities are still struggling to solve essential issues about traffic congestion, road safety and pollution.
At Citilinks, we believe that a multimodal and complex ecosystem of clean urban mobility, allying slow and faster speeds of accessibility, from metro areas to local streets, is the first step of a healthy and accessible city.
We work as technical and strategic experts on the planning and design of transport systems and infrastructure, including Bus Rapid Transit, urban railway networks, multimodal hubs, on-demand and shared used mobility, pedestrian master plans, micromobility and smart urban logistics.
Citilinks invests in innovation for decarbonation, sharing, digitization and automation of our transport networks in advanced and developing, urban and rural places.

Water Energy Environment

We consider cities as living organisms with their own metabolism, cycles and flows. We take care of them in every step of our projects. And we compensate every form of consumption at Citilinks by planting trees.

Starting with landscape driven urbanism, Citilinks has gradually improved its approach of the relation between cities, nature and people by integrating green, blue and grey infrastructure in every project.
Water sensitive planning, new energies and nature friendly design are our three pillars of action that give us the capacity to implement circularity and preserve natural cycles of places and territories. By implementing sponge city projects and low impact streets, we improve not only the resilience of a territory but also its climate, its livability and the health of future generations.
Working globally and locally also implies our own carbon footprint. That is why we always work on projects that will decrease the human carbon footprint and we compensate our own energy consumption by planting trees through innovative platforms such as the Alipay Ant Forest program.

Architecture and Building Innovation

We ally climate-responsive design, intelligent modelling and traditional architecture in harmony with the soul of places.

Architectural design is in a pivotal period. Buildings have to become more resilient and more responsive to climate, livability and transforming urban societies facing multiple housing crises.  While computational design, intelligent modelling and 3D printing are emerging for potential innovation, cities and buildings are looking more similar than ever.
We believe that it is essential to reconnect the essence of a place, its culture and history, with new building techniques and architectural innovation. Contemporary architecture has a different meaning and mission according to where it will take place. We are committed to research new forms and typologies of urban and rural buildings, with radically contrasted approaches, from Dakar and Nairobi to Chengdu, Brussels and Jakarta.

AI & Urban Technology

Citilinks Link.Lab is pioneering in the implementation of digital technologies in the physical space for smarter and healthier lifestyles.

Digitization of our cities, infrastructure and services is transforming the way we perceive our environment. From territorial planning to green infrastructure and street making, our LinkLab is working with the digital technologies that will reshape the spatial environment of tomorrow.
In China, we develop joint projects for complete and intelligent data-informed streets integrating water management, waste up-cycle, on-demand mobility and sensitive urban furniture. African cities inspired us to work on the synergy between blockchain and land use management to achieve transit oriented development in informal settlements. We also work on a special economic zone with on-demand transport networks and services to be developed with their own crypto-currency.

As the future of transport will lead to a complex ecosystem of mobility services, including micromobility and smart urban logistics, we work on a better integration of the time and space consumption of transport, with a close look at the impacts, challenges and opportunities brought by the digitization of our infrastructure.

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